A blog by YES!+ites, BITS-Pilani ...

1. The Sceret

Based on law of attraction it tells you how to attract the things you love into your life just by changing the way you think...Don't miss out

2. Peaceful Warrior

This one's a master piece... Inspired by a true life story. Bawa says this is the closest he saw any movie coming close to teaching the Art Of living course!!


This one's for the notice for all of you that we have started the group sadhana official from today at SAC amphi mornings 6:15-7:15 AM precisely.

We're gonna start the Narad Bhakti Sutras(NBS in short) from today evenings 8-9 PM .It'll be a series of talks(14 to be exact) by Guruji that all of us will watch together in SAC old gym. It'll require quite a bit of dedication and commitment from your side.. in case you are interested :).


Well... its been quite a bit of time since the last post and will make up for that by posting regularly from now on, part of which would be from knowledge sheets(from 'Intimate Note To The Sincere Seeker'-by Guruji) considering the fact that very few people on campus have the book.

Now i come straight to what this post is aimed at.All my life I've lied a lot regarding various things for example, be it giving the list of expenses to dad (or) denying politely a request from a friend to borrow something(and of course many other reasons not to be proud of :D).

Ever since joining AOL and starting my spiritual journey I've lied for various other reasons... sometimes with friends about my YES!+ activities(when i was new to our YES!+ group and didn't fully implement the football sutra!), but its been mostly to my parents(i hope my mom doesn't read this :D) about my activities and volunteering in AOL to avoid hurting them and more than that just to divert conflicts!!

But that's only a thing of the past, before i had this wonderful experience... i don't remember the exact incident when it happened, but the experience itself is fresh in my memory. I was about to lie to my dad on a call(obviously about AOL) but i 'chose' to face the situation boldly and decided that let me tell the truth!This in spite all the exact words i had planned to convince him( i managed to convince anyways). I cannot express the amount of joy and contentment i expressed in that single moment. I fell in love with 'truth' and i wondered with a smile the reason why Gandhiji loved truth('satya') so much!

Its very easy to lie in uncomfortable circumstances and get away... but just give this a shot. CHOOSE to tell the truth when otherwise you wouldn't have.It'll spark something in you... each and every time you would choose truth over comfort,or something else for everything else would seem trivial!

And to this was added a brilliant realization... just a few months back it dawned on me that when I'm seeking enlightenment(mind you its a loaded term), the highest reality that would dispense all darkness and reveal all secrets... how will this highest knowledge(truth, reality call it whatever you like) come to me if i myself don't honour and speak the truth at all times!

And that is precisely what the shloka Satyam Param Dhimahi means... literally translated as " Let the Ultimate truth dawn on me"


p.s. 22nd was bawa's 40th birthday and there is a wonderful post about him at www.bawandinesh.name

Well well... it was just my last post when i spoke of Standing out and also having a VISION for yourself. And as i was just reading our very AOL's cool website srisri'sblog i was surprised, excited and filled with awe all at the same time as i read this question and answer(dated September 3rd) among the many others. Here's THE question that i was talking of...

What is your vision for the Art of Living as an organization?
Sri Sri: Spirituality is the language of the New Age. You make your own vision. I would ask you to be a drishta (the one with the vision), you may make your own drishya (view). The Divine will give you sleep, you create your own dream.

If you've been with AOL long enough(depends how long, on your grasping abilities!)then its impossible of you to miss one aspect. Whatever profound and deep thoughts you're pondering on for a long time or even if its a spontaneous thought in the presence of Guruji or even many senior teachers, it gets reflected in their words or even deeds(cautious: everything is not ob in AOL... you got to be aware each moment always).

On numerous occasions this has happened to me... I have a thought and Guruji speaks of it in the very next instance(of course bawa and Dinesh b have also done it) and even saleel bhaiyya has managed the feat many times!

So... just beware!! The path of knowledge offers many such hidden secrets to be explored(it could just be a mere coincidence as well, no mystery involved!). Whatever it is... don't get stagnated and start drifting apart.Make sure get some knowledge everyday, it could be talks, videos knowledge sheets , Yoga Vashishta , Books... whichever way you love it!But do get it!


jaigurudev and happy knowledge :-)

About this blog

This blog's a hangout place an "adda" for us YES!+ites from BITS, Pilani. So gear up cause you'll find all kinds of stuff here in our paradise... our den!


Check'em out !!


Of all the truths in the world, love alone is supreme. - Sri Sri