Sunday morning. 10:30am. I took my bum and put it on a chair outside my room. Finally, I had time spare enough to unleash my creativity and splash it on a piece of paper. The menopause of the high spirited technical fest, had left me with a topic for this blog post as well : APOGEE!
But even as I sat, and my pen made contact with paper, something completely unrelated started barging into my head, hushing away any or all thoughts of Apogee. Those were of "homecoming".
However hard you work, how much ever you enjoy being independent; after a busy, hectic day, all your heart wants is a warm bed and welcome from someone you love. In this world of pretensions and prejudices, every once in a while you get fed up of prying or being pried upon. having prejudices or being prejudiced, unless you are a spiritual master.
Often we try to ignore our instincts of "homecoming" though in vain, infact sometimes we are so foolish to remain oblivious to the growing longing for solace within us.
Sometimes we find solace in our family, sometimes in our Guru, sometimes in friends, sometimes in ourselves, while sometimes even in strangers. Never neglect those people in whom you find solace, never neglect those who redeem you. Is that person (or soul) any less than God who helped you, loved you, and accepted you when you were in the most miserable of states?
Never neglect or think low of anyone. Every person in this world, once in a while, directly or indirectly, helped you, and you helped them all.
Now that is kinda wierd...aint it?
Maybe it is. But just imagine for a while, that people all around the globe, do for a while agree to it. How simply amazing would that be!
People say, if you want to broaden your vision, move out, look out and learn more about other people. Why not try the opposite? Look within yourself, accept your greed, accept your hunger for knowledge. And when you master your own self, maybe the world itself will come to you!
Jai Guru Dev!
Nikhil Banthiya
Most of youmust remember how wonderfully we've been told in our courses to smile... and to spread the smile! Well I saw this poster in Brahmakumari's international centre in Mt. Abu... where the same is put into words in a very beautiful way! I'm sure your smiling at the end when you finish reading it... Just make sure its unfazed :)
"A Smile says - CARING
A Smile says - SOMETHING
A Smile says - AGREED
A Smile says - WELL DONE
A Smile says - I AM HAPPY
A Smile says - SUCCESS
A Smile says - THANK YOU
So, Smile Please! "