A rap song for you :

Its time to get up n get groovin' ! Ha !
Life's now gonna get movin' ! Ha !

2010 is the year of YES!+
Bringing huge smiles for each n all of us

With Sadhna, Seva, Satsang and Surrender
Make ur minds sharp and ur hearts tender

Do not forget ur lovely smile
Which handles roughest terrains with guile

Send all your troubles to the Big Mr. G
There'll be no more trouble for u n me

With a sparkle in your eye say 'Jai GuruDev'
That alone will change the way u behave

Its time for Spirituality up all we stood
We don't have a good time, we make times good

So lets come together and have a lot of fun
And bask in the glory of the rising Sun !!

Jai Guru Dev

