This is something i started writing last semester, i wrote the second half only today :) !!

Why do i do things at the last minute ?

It is because the work gets done fastest when its done at the last minute. The same work, which otherwise would take 20 mins., takes only 5 mins. At the last minute, the mind becomes suddenly sharp and alert ; a sense of purpose dawns.

Right now I am sitting in my room and watching a movie. I still have not packed for my journey home in the morning. Its only a 5 min job, but I’m not doing it now because otherwise it will take 20 min. Why ? Why will it take a longer time ? There is no sense of purpose, there is a lethargy, a love of being still and doing nothing. Laziness.

The root cause of laziness, according to me, is a love of being still and doing nothing. And that is exactly what is meditation !! So if i really love being still and doing nothing, why not meditate ?

So when i finish my meditation, (if i have meditated 100 %) i'll feel sharp, alert .. with a sense of purpose (no need to wait till the last minute to get that !!)

So now whenever i feel lazy to do something, i know what to do :) !!

Plus not choosing to do something at the last minute gives me the additional advantage of extra time if the work is longer than i anticipated :). So useful for exams na ?

What say ?? Would love to hear your views on this ...


Luv :)
